News archive

Academic guests

Anna Brytek-Matera

Dal 16.01.2023 al 29.01.2023  Institute of Psychology, University of Wroclaw (Poland)   Research interests: Eating disorders and disordered eating

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Academic guests

Sophie Wuerger

Dal 28.11.2022 al 01.12.2022 Professor of Psychology  Institute of Population Health, University of Liverpool (UK)   Research interests: Visual Perception

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Academic guests

Heiko Hecht

Dal 21.11.2022 al 25.11.2022

hecht@uni-mainz.deChair of Experimental Psychology  Institut of Psychology, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz (DE)   Research interests: Visual Perception   

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Academic guests

Alexis Makin

Dal 07.11.2022 al 08.11.2022 of Psychology  Institute of Population Health, University of Liverpool (UK)   Research interests: Cognitive Psychology  

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Academic guests

George Mather

Dal 24.10.2022 al 05.12.2022 Professor  University of Lincoln, UK  Research interests: Visual Perception   Project: Shaping a World-class University

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