Interactions call for projects

Interactions call for projects

A funding call to support projects promoting the quality of university life for Psychology students.

The Department of General Psychology of the University of Padua promotes the INTERACTIONS (actions to improve relations and well-being) initiative, which supports projects aimed at improving the quality of university life for psychology students, with actions to improve the physical environment and relationships, allowing to meet new educational needs and create increasingly inclusive and sustainable contexts.
Starting in 2024, the initiative will run for 10 annual editions based on the following principles:
1. Academic success and effective integration into the world of work require not only the acquisition of in-depth competences and transversal skills, but also the ability to build and maintain a positive network of relationships during the course of studies;
2. The quality of student life and individual and collective well-being are interdependent factors closely connected linked to environmental well-being.
Students applying for funding must be enrolled in undergraduate or master's degree programs for which the Department of General Psychology is the Department of reference. Projects must be submitted by groups of at least 4 and no more than 10 members. Approved projects may receive a maximum total funding of € 5,000.00, with no single project exceeding this amount.

The results of the first Interactions call, which closed on the 10TH of June 2024, are available at:

The two funded projects are: INTeragiamo con le nostre RAdici (INTRA) and PsychoDebate Club (PDC).

INTRA involves an educational excursion to an archaeological site to foster social bonds through shared activities.
PDC aims to establish a group that learns to think critically and debate in English as a vehicular language. It promotes inclusion and serves as a platform for debate initiatives involving students, tutors, PhD candidates, research fellows, and faculty members.