PhD Open Day 2019 - PhD Programmes

Video recording of the PhD Open Day 2019

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10th April 2019 10:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 

Location: Botanical garden, Padova -

PhD Open Day 2019 program

Supported by a grant from MIUR (Dipartimenti di Eccellenza DM 11/05/2017 n. 262) to the Department of General Psychology

Applicants to PhD Programmes must be in possession of a 2nd cycle degree (laurea magistrale or laurea magistrale a ciclo unico); they are also required to pass an entrance examination. The Call for Admission to the XXXV cycle will be published on April 8th.

Al dottorato di ricerca si accede solo dopo la laurea magistrale e con il superamento di un esame di ammissione. Il bando per l'ammissione al XXXV ciclo verrà pubblicato il giorno 8 Aprile 2019.