News archive

Umberto Granziol

 Since I was a student, I have always been interested in psychological measurement. All my research interests, indeed, are linked to psychometrics from several points of view. Some of them strictly focus on the metrics in psychology: the development and the implementation of innovative methods for

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Joint initiatives in education and research between the University of Padua and Monash University

Dal 14.11.2022 al 30.11.2022

Target Group: member of the academic staff (professors, researchers, etc.). Additional applicants can include PhD students, facilitators, language experts. Important: the application requires BOTH an UNIPD and a Monash University applicants (At Monash, the main applicant must be a permanent or fixed

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Shaping a World Class University - Ed 2022

Dal 14.11.2022 al 30.11.2022

Target group: teaching staff, academic staff Goal: support internationalization activitiesShort-term Visiting professors (virtual and face-to-face);Virtual & Collaborative programmes;Support to the development of structured mobility programmes (double/joint degrees and mobility windows)

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Marcello Maniglia

Dal 24.10.2022 al 08.11.2022 Assistant Research Psychologist  University of California Riverside - Department of Psychology  (Riverside CA, USA) Research interests: Eye-tracker and clinical population Project: Shaping a World-class University 

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David Pineda

Dal 12.09.2022 al 16.12.2022   Associate Lecturer  Department of Health Psychology - University Miguel Hernandez de Elche (Spain)   Research interests: Measurement and consequences of the Dark Tetrad traits   

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