News archive

PsychoClub Seminars

It is a pleasure to announce a new series of seminars promoted by the three Departments DPG, DPSS, and FISPPA. There will be two seminars each month (first and last Wednesday of the month). We meet in room A, PSICO 3 building, via Venezia 14, hour: 4.30 PM.Each meeting will have one of the following

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The Encounter with the Other: The Space where Love and Threat Confront each other

The Department is delighted to host the 24th International Congress of Personal Construct Psychology from the 13th to the 16th of July 2022. The title of the congress is “The Encounter with the Other: The Space where Love and Threat Confront each other”.Abstract submissions are open up to the 15th

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Tania Moretta

I am a clinical psychologist with sub-specialty training in clinical psychophysiology. I have firstly trained at Sapienza, University of Rome, receiving an MS with Honors in Cognitive Neuroscience and later, a PhD in Psychological Sciences at the University of Padova, the latter partially concurrent

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Elena Carbone

Psychologist, Ph.D. in Psychological Sciences (University of Padova), expert in psychology of aging (Second-Level Short-Specialization degree in Gerontological Psychology, University of Padova), member of the Psychology of Aging Service (Centro di Ateneo dei Servizi Clinici Universitari Psicologici-

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Maria Elena Miletto Petrazzini

I am a comparative psychologist interested in studying cognitive and perceptual systems in vertebrates and their ontogeny through a multidisciplinary approach that combines behavioural analyses, neural imaging and molecular genetic techniques in zebrafish as model species. I got a Master degree with

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