News archive

Experimental psychopathology research in anorexia nervosa: an overview of digital interventions


Valentina Cardi (Lecturer DPG & Department of Psychological Medicine, King's College London)

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Resting-State EEG Signatures of Visual Exploration Styles

DPG1 classroom - Department of General Psychology - via Venezia 8 Padova


Miriam Celli (PhD student PNC)

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How we cope with the COVID-19 pandemic


During these days of the COVID-19 pandemic, posts, advice and articles suggesting ways to cope with the situation are proliferating, such as culinary recipes that teach us how to do things. They may offer useful suggestions but my students, patients, daughters, relatives and friends are teaching me

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Traumatic stress symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic

An ongoing research project of the Douglas Mental Health University Institute of McGill University (Canada) in collaboration with Prof. Sabrina CipollettaThis research project aims to investigate the experience of COVID-19 in terms of traumatic event and potential inductor of trauma-and stress

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Auditory selective attention under working memory load

DPG1 classroom - Department of General Psychology - via Venezia 8 Padova

Rena Bayramova (M.Sc. Cognitive neuroscience and clinical neuropsychology CN2)

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