Theoretical papers
Kramer, P., & Bressan, P. (2017). Commentary: From ‘sense of number’ to ‘sense of magnitude’ - The role of continuous magnitudes in numerical cognition. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:2032.
Kramer, P., & Bressan, P. (2011). Belief in God and in strong government as accidental cognitive by-products. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 34, 31-32.
Kramer, P., & Bressan, P. (2010). Ignoring color in transparency perception. Rivista di Estetica, 43, 147-159.
Kramer, P., & Bressan, P. (2009). Clear waters, murky waters: Why transparency perception is good for you and underconstrained. Perception, 38, 871-872.
Bressan, P. (2007). Postscript: The prejudice against frameworks. Psychological Review, 114, 1115-1115.
Bressan, P. (2007). Dungeons, gratings, and black rooms: a defense of double-anchoring theory and a reply to Howe et al. (2007). Psychological Review, 114, 1111-1114.
Bressan, P. (2006). The place of white in a world of grays: a double-anchoring theory of lightness perception. Psychological Review, 113, 526-553.
Bressan, P. (2006). Inhomogeneous surrounds, conflicting frameworks, and the double-anchoring theory of lightness. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 13, 22-32.
Bressan, P. (2005). The dark shade of the moon. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 33, 574.
Bressan, P. (2003). A fair test of the effect of a shadow-incompatible luminance gradient on the simultaneous lightness contrast. Reply to Logvinenko’s reply. Perception, 32, 725-730.
Bressan, P. (2003). A fair test of the effect of a shadow-incompatible luminance gradient on the simultaneous lightness contrast. Comment. Perception, 32, 721-723.
Bressan, P. (2002). Why babies look like their daddies: paternity uncertainty and the evolution of self-deception in evaluating family resemblance. Acta Ethologica, 4, 113-118.
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