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Seminar Series

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Autumn 2024

18th September 2024, zoom seminar - Giuseppe Di Dona (Università di Trento)
Endogenous and Instantaneous Alpha Speed Differentially Promote Rapid Temporal Processing in Adults with and without Developmental Dyslexia [ video ]

9th October 2024, zoom Workshop - host: prof. Marco Bertamini; speaker: prof. Michael Herzog; prof. Bilge Sayim, Prof. Matteo Valsecchi, Dr. Giulio Contemori, Dr. Carolina Maria Oletto
Peripheral Vision: What Are Its Limits and Hidden Strengths? [ video ]

30th October 2024, zoom seminar - Professor Richard Bentall (University of Sheffield, UK)
Trauma and hallucinations [ video ]


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Visual Properties Driving Visual Preference (VPDVP) workshop

For 2024 VDVP will take place at the University of Rome on June 14-15.
This will also be the second meeting of the thematic group within the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP)
For details and registration follow this link:
Gruppo Tematico AIP.
More information, including the recordings of the talks of previous meetings, is available on the VPDVP site:


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[ 2021 ]

30th November 2021 - Marco Gandolfo (Donders Institute for Brain cognition and behaviou)
Boundary extension is constrained by naturalistic image properties [ video ]

1st March 2021 - Francesca Talamini (University of Innsbruck)
Short-term memory performance in musicians and nonmusicians: the role of sensory modality, material type and contour.  [ video ]

12th April 2021 - Olivia Guest (Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging at Radboud University, Netherlands)
How computational modeling can force theory building in psychological science [ video ]

3rd May 2021 - Marcello Maniglia (University of California, Riverside)
Neural plasticity of the perceptual and oculomotor systems in pathological and simulated central vision loss [ video ]

24th May 2021 - Gianluca Campana (University of Padova)
Ensemble representations beyond simple statistics [ video ]

31st May 2021 - Mauro Manassi (University of Aberdeen)
The Multi-level Paradox of Visual Crowding video ]

[ 2022 ]

14th January 2022 - 3-7 pm.
WEBINAR: Seeing Pictures and Seeing Things
Hosted by: Neuroscience & Humanities Lab, University of Parma
Session1 Session2 Session3

19 Gennaio 2022, 4:30 pm
Elena Marini e Alessandra Barbon (Università di Padova, DPG)
Contextual modulation in contrast perception: the role of flankers contrast. [ video ]

16 Febbraio 2022, 4:30 pm
Jan Willem DeGee (Baylor College of Medicine, Huston, United States)
Brainstem modulation of cortical decision-computations and behavior. [ video ]

9 Marzo 2022, 4:30 pm
Jasna Martinovic (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Masking, crowding and grouping: Connecting low and mid-level vision. [ video ]

20 April 2022, 4:30 pm
Juan Lupiañez & Andrea Marotta (University of Granada, Spain)
Why is gaze special?: Common and specific attentional mechanisms triggered by social and non-social cues [ video ]

11 May 2022, 4:30 pm
Thiago Costa (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Predictive Processing helping us understand perceptual organization and neuropsychological alterations [ video ]

13 July 2022, 4:30 pm
Mitchel Valdes-Sosa (Cuban Center for Neuroscience)
Perceptual organization and neural networks within human V1 [ video ]

14 September 2022, 2:00 pm
Alessandro Soranzo (Sheffield Hallam University, UK)
A dual-process model of the visual perspective taking phenomenon [ video ]

26 October 2022, 1:00 pm
George Mather (University of Lincoln, UK)
Perception of human locomotion

23 November 2022, 1:00 pm
Heiko Hecht (University of Mainz, Germany)
Visually induced sickness [ video ]

[ 2023 ]

20th April 2023 - Giuseppe Di Dona (School of Psychology, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy)
Periodic and aperiodic features of the EEG power spectrum: towards new possibilities for cognitive neuroscience [ video ]

11th May 2023 - Ian Thornton (University of Malta)
Assessing cognitive decline using the MILO task [ video ]

In June we had the first meeting on Psychology of Art, Aesthetics and Neuroaesthetics as part of a new group within the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP)
More information about the PAN group is here: Gruppo Tematico AIP.
Psicologia dell'Arte e Neuroestetica.

17th October 2023, 4.30pm Room 2C(Psico2) - Andrey Chetverikov (Department of Psychosocial Science, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway)
The puzzle of contextual biases: Why cannot we ignore irrelevant information? [ video ]

3rd November 2023, 8.30am Room 2A(Psico2) - Dr Letizia Palumbo (Hope University, Liverpool, UK)
Visual preference for abstract shapes and for interior spaces: Beyond undergraduate student samples [ video ]

8th November 2023, 8.30am Room 2A(Psico2) - Rebecca Chamberlain (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK)
Psychological mechanisms of artistic production and perception [ video ]

14th November 2023, zoom seminar - Dr Laurie Galas (Université Paris Cité, France)
Attention Rhythmically Shapes Sensory Tuning [ video ]

07th December 2023, 2.30pm Room DPG1- Dr Marco Gandolfo (Radboud University, Netherlands)
Perceiving through the lens of prior knowledge: Understanding the functional consequences of top-down vision [ video ]

12th December 2023, zoom seminar - Dr João Cardoso (Université Paris Cité, France)
Modeling the Role of Perceptual Waves during Binocular Rivalry [ video ]

[ 2024 ]

05th March 2024, seminar - Simona Noviello, Irene Sperandio (Università di Trento)
From conscious to unconscious: The best frequency to suppress 3D real stimuli from visual awareness [ video ]

18th June 2024, seminar - Nino Sharvashidze, (Università di Bologna)
Appearance and change discrimination across saccades [Video not available]