Questionnaire for children: The questionnaire includes items to tap temporal abilities in school age children. It includes 34 items plus 4 open questions regarding children’s concept of time.
- Porcelli, F., Biffi, V., Capodieci, A., Mioni, G., Stablum, F. & Cornoldi, C. (2018) L’uso del Questionario QSTB per rilevare il senso del tempo nei bambini a sviluppo tipico e atipico. DdAI. Disturbi di Attenzione e Iperattività. 14 (2), 211-223
Questionnaire for parents and teachers: the questionnaires are two parallel form of the same questionnaire to evaluate time abilities and time management in children from parents and teachers point of view. They include 24 items in each questionnaire.
- Biffi, V; Porcelli, F., Capodieci, A., Mioni, G., Stablum, F., & Cornoldi, C. (2018). Il Questionario per insegnanti sul senso del tempo (QSTI). Dati normativi e risultati di un confronto fra bambini con sintomi di ADHD e bambini a sviluppo tipico. DdAI. Disturbi di Attenzione e Iperattività.
Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) The Italian version of the ZTPI (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999) contains 56 five-point items ranging from 1 (very untrue) to 5 (very true). An individual reports his or her emphasis on the time dimensions of five subscales: past-negative (“I often think about the bad things that have happened to me in the past”), present-hedonistic (“I take risks to put excitement in my life”), future (“I am able to resist temptations when I know that there is work to be done”), past-positive (“Happy memories of good times spring readily to mind”), and present-fatalistic (“Because things always change, one cannot foresee the future”).
Italian version of Subjective Time Questionnaire (STQ; Wittmann & Lehnhoff, 2005; Wittmann et al., 2015)
It contains several parts consisting of questions concerning (1) the typical (everyday) experience of the passage of time, (2) a retrospective look at long past time intervals, (3) subjective feeling of time, and (4) metaphors of time. (1) The two questions that cover the perception of present time are “How fast does time usually pass for you?” and “How fast do you expect the next hour to pass?” (anchors: -2 = very slowly and +2 = very fast). These two questions can be differentiated as reflecting a more consistent view of the passage of time in general (question 1) and a transient, i.e., state-like momentary perception of time (question 2). These two questions are collapsed to form the STQ-present index. (2) In the second set of questions assessing retrospective judgments of longer time intervals and life periods, four questions asked how fast the last week, last month, last year, and the past ten years had passed (anchors: -2 = very slowly and + 2 = very fast; the mean value of these four judgements forming the STQ-past index). (3) The third set of questions consists of statements on the subjective experience of time (anchors: 1 = strong rejection and 5 = strong approval) that refer to the feeling of time pressure/time compression (5 statements, e.g., "I often think that time is running out.") or to the feeling of time expansion/time affluence (5 statements, e.g., "My time is not filled."). Finally (4) the questionnaire includes questions related to temporal metaphors of speed (3 metaphors, e.g., "Time is a speeding train.") or metaphors of slowness (3, e.g., "Time is a quiet, motionless sea.").
- Wittmann, M., & Lehnhoff, S. (2005). Age effects in perception of time. Psychol. Reports, 97, 921–935. doi:10.2466/pr0.97.3.921-935