Tools for auditory research
The present pages include a few Matlab tools for psychological research. MLP (Grassi & Soranzo, 2009) is a Matlab toolbox that has been developed to implement the maximum likelihood threshold estimation for auditory research (Green, 1990, 1993). The toolbox is a ready-to-use tool that enables the user to estimate sensory threshold in several, classic, built-in auditory experiment.
PSYCHOACOUSTICS (Soranzo & Grassi, 2014) is the follow-up of MLP and extends the toolbox to two classic non parametric adaptive procedures, namely: staircase (Levitt, 1971) and PEST (Taylor & Creelman, 1967).
The third tool is a set of scripts, functions and programs that accompany a book we wrote to introduce students to the Matlab programming language (Borgo, Soranzo, & Grassi, 2012). In those pages you can find the codes of some of the codes that are written in the book.
Tool's references
Borgo, M., Soranzo, A., Grassi, M. (2012). MATLAB for Psychologists. Springer Verlag.
Grassi, M., Soranzo, A. (2009). MLP: a MATLAB toolbox for rapid and reliable auditory threshold estimations. Behavior Research Methods, 41, 20-28.
Soranzo, A., Grassi, M. (2014). PSYCHOACOUSTICS: a comprehensive MATLAB toolbox for auditory testing. Frontiers in Psychology, 5:712. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00712
Green, D. M. (1990).Stimulus selection in adaptive psychophysical procedures. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 87, 2662-2674.
Green, D. M. (1993). A maximum-likelihood method for estimating thresholds in a yes-no task. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 93, 2096-2105.
Levitt, H. (1971). Transformed up?down methods in psychoacoustics. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 49, 467-477.
Taylor, M., & Creelman, C. D. (1967). PEST: Efficient estimates on probability functions. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 41(4A), 782-787.