Function name | Description (see the MATLAB function help for further information) |
FindThreshold | [level, FA] = FindThreshold (p_target, x, responses, alpha, beta, gamma, lambda) This function first looks for the most likely psychometric function within the range "firstpsyfun", "lastpsyfun" of the vector alpha. Successively, it calculates the stimulus level for the next trial at the desired level of performance p_target, and returns this value to the user together with an estimate of the subject's false alarm rate FA. If the task is a nAFC, FA is equal to chance level. |
CalculateLikelihood | ll = CalculateLikelihood(x, responses, alpha, beta, gamma, lambda) This function returns the likelihood of a given psychometric function. |
Logistic | p = Logistic(x, alpha, beta, gamma, lambda) The logistic psychometric function. |
InvLogistic | x = InvLogistic(p_target, alpha, beta, gamma, lambda) The inverse of the logistic psychometric function. |