News archive

Erasmus+ (European KA131)

Dal 19.10.2022 al 13.12.2022

Call: Erasmus+ (European KA131) Target group: Teaching staff Goal: Staff Mobility for Teaching _ Outgoing & Incoming Period: mobility from 01/03/2023 to 30/09/2023 Destinations: European (KA131) Partner Universities, that have stipulated an inter-institutional agreement between the University of

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Erasmus+ (Extra-European KA171)

Dal 19.10.2022 al 28.02.2023

Call: Erasmus+ (Extra-European KA171) Target group: Teaching staff Goal: Staff Mobility for Teaching _ Outgoing & Incoming Period: by 31 July of the last calendar year of the three-year period financed by the Programme KA171 Destinations: Extra-European (KA171) Partner Universities, that have

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Enrico Toffalini

 I am a cognitive psychologist, and I got my PhD in Psychological Sciences at the University of Padua under the supervision of prof. Cornoldi. My main research interests include, in a more or less anti-chronological order: structure and profiles of intelligence, cognitive bases of neurodevelopmental

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Maria Devita

 I graduated in Neuroscience and neuropsychological rehabilitation (University of Padua), in 2013. After the very first experiences of research aimed at analyzing visuo-spatial attention in young individuals with autism, my interests focused on aging and on those physio-pathological processes that

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Michael Henry Tessler

Dal 19.12.2022 al 24.12.2022 Senior Scientist Google DeepMind, London, UK Research interests: natural language processing, language modelling, deep learning, probabilistic models Project: Shaping a World-class University

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