News archive

Olfactory meta-cognition in individuals with depressive and anxiety symptoms: the differential role of common and social odors

This new study, published in Journal of Affective Disorders, examined the relationship between symptoms of depression, general anxiety, and social anxiety and olfactory meta-cognitive abilities, such as olfactory awareness, imagery and reactivity, and the importance of odors.

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The 8th Visual Properties Driving Visual Preference (VPDVP) workshop

The 8th Visual Properties Driving Visual Preference (VPDVP) workshop will take place on Friday 27th May 2022 at the University of Padua (Italy).Keynote speakers:Denis Pelli (New York University) "Some psychophysics of beauty judgement"Nick Wade (University of Dundee) "Binocular art"Michael Kubovy

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Being more educated and earning more increase romantic interest: Data from 1.8 M online daters from 24 nation

Title: Being more educated and earning more increase romantic interest: Data from 1.8 M online daters from 24 nationAuthors: Peter K. Jonason and Andrew G. ThomasDescription: In the largest, most cross-culturally diverse study on mate choice to date, this study examined patterns in how much interest

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Prof. Michel Denis's Lecture: “Space and Spatial Cognition: A Multidisciplinary Perspective”

“All living creatures inscribe their activity in space. Human beings acquire know ledge of this space by traversing it, listening to verbal descriptions, and looking at maps, atlases, and digital media. (…). Which mental capacities do people mobilize when confronted with space? Which brain functions

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Prof. Alain Giami's Lecture: "Transformations of sexuality: from the 1960’s sexual revolutions to #metoo"


Alain Giami (PhD) is currently Emeritus Research Professor at the Inserm (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) in Paris.He is Vice President of the World Association for Sexual Health and Associate editor of the journal “Sexologies: European Journal of Sexology and sexual health.

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