News archive

Joint initiatives in education and research between the University of Padua and Monash University

Dal 14.11.2022 al 30.11.2022

Target Group: member of the academic staff (professors, researchers, etc.). Additional applicants can include PhD students, facilitators, language experts. Important: the application requires BOTH an UNIPD and a Monash University applicants (At Monash, the main applicant must be a permanent or fixed

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Shaping a World Class University - Ed 2022

Dal 14.11.2022 al 30.11.2022

Target group: teaching staff, academic staff Goal: support internationalization activitiesShort-term Visiting professors (virtual and face-to-face);Virtual & Collaborative programmes;Support to the development of structured mobility programmes (double/joint degrees and mobility windows)

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Marcello Maniglia

Dal 24.10.2022 al 08.11.2022 Assistant Research Psychologist  University of California Riverside - Department of Psychology  (Riverside CA, USA) Research interests: Eye-tracker and clinical population Project: Shaping a World-class University 

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David Pineda

Dal 12.09.2022 al 16.12.2022   Associate Lecturer  Department of Health Psychology - University Miguel Hernandez de Elche (Spain)   Research interests: Measurement and consequences of the Dark Tetrad traits   

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Palliative Care in Parkinson’s Disease

The conference will be held on 25 and 26 November 2022 in PaduaThere is a growing awareness of the potential benefit of palliative care interventions in Parkinson's disease, given its incurable nature and current treatment strategies, which are primarily symptomatic. The high burden of non-motor

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