In this section, our aim is to provide interested readers of our webpage with convenient access to a curated selection of our most recent works and articles. |
Formal Psychological Assessment (FPA)
Granziol, U., Brancaccio, A., Pizziconi, G., Spangaro, M., Gentili, F., Bosia, M., ... & Spoto, A. (2022). On the implementation of computerized adaptive observations for psychological assessment. Assessment, 29(2), 225-241.
Granziol, U., Spoto, A., & Vidotto, G. (2018). The assessment of nonverbal behavior in schizophrenia through the Formal Psychological Assessment. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 27(1), e1595.
Donadello, I., Spoto, A., Sambo, F., Badaloni, S., Granziol, U., & Vidotto, G. (2017). ATS-PD: An adaptive testing system for psychological disorders. Educational and psychological measurement, 77(5), 792-815.
Bottesi, G., Spoto, A., Freeston, M. H., Sanavio, E., & Vidotto, G. (2015). Beyond the score: Clinical evaluation through formal psychological assessment. Journal of personality assessment, 97(3), 252-260.
Spoto, A., Bottesi, G., Sanavio, E., & Vidotto, G. (2013). Theoretical foundations and clinical implications of formal psychological assessment. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 82(3), 197-199.
Spoto, A., Stefanutti, L., & Vidotto, G. (2010). Knowledge space theory, formal concept analysis, and computerized psychological assessment. Behavior research methods, 42(1), 342-350.
Statistical analysis and psychological methods
Bruno, G., Vicovaro, M., Nucci, M., Cropanise, G., Fabbian, V., Mondin, M., …& Spoto, A. (2023). A new Bayesian procedure for the estimation of the referees' decision thresholds and agreement. The case of professional handball refereeing. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 65, 102347.
Spoto, A., Nucci, M., Prunetti, E., & Vicovaro, M. (2023). Improving content validity evaluation of assessment instruments through formal content validity analysis. Psychological methods.
Mignemi, G., Panzeri, A., Granziol, U., Bruno, G., Bertamini, M., Vidotto, G. & Spoto, A. (2022). The mediating role of scientifical-medical satisfaction between COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs and vaccine confidence: A two-waves structural equation model. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2022, 1, 1–11.
Nucci, M., Spoto, A., Altoè, G., & Pastore, M. (2021). The role of raters threshold in estimating interrater agreement. Psychological Methods, 26(5), 622.
Mignemi, G., Calcagnì, A., Spoto, A., & Manolopoulou, I. (2024). Mixture polarization in inter-rater agreement analysis: a Bayesian nonparametric index. Statistical Methods & Applications, 1-31.
de Chiusole, D., Spoto, A., & Stefanutti, L. (2020). Extracting partially ordered clusters from ordinal polytomous data. Behavior research methods, 52, 503-520.
Mathematical Psychology
Noventa, S., Ye, S., Kelava, A., & Spoto, A. (2024). On the Identifiability of 3-and 4-Parameter Item Response Theory Models From the Perspective of Knowledge Space Theory. Psychometrika, 1-31.
Spoto, A., & Stefanutti, L. (2023). Empirical indistinguishability: From the knowledge structure to the skills. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 76(2), 312-326.
Stefanutti, L., Spoto, A., Anselmi, P., & de Chiusole, D. (2023). Towards a competence-based polytomous knowledge structure theory. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 115, 102781.
Spoto, A., & Stefanutti, L. (2020). On the necessary and sufficient conditions for delineating forward-and backward-graded knowledge structures from skill maps. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 99, 102451.
Spoto, A., Stefanutti, L., & Vidotto, G. (2013). Considerations about the identification of forward-and backward-graded knowledge structures. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 57(5), 249-254.
Assessment tools in clinical and health psychology
Panzeri, A., Castelnuovo, G., & Spoto, A. (2024). Assessing Discriminant Validity through Structural Equation Modeling: The Case of Eating Compulsivity. Nutrients, 16(4), Article 4.
Panzeri, A., Bettinardi, O., Bottesi, G., Bertolotti, G., Brambatti, L., Monfredo, M., Mignemi, G., Bruno, G., Vidotto, G., Spoto, A., Frattola, P., & Chiesa, S. (2022). Assessment of perceived support in the context of emergency: Development and validation of the psycho-social support scale. Current Psychology, 12.
Shevlin, M., Butter, S., McBride, O., Murphy, J., Gibson-Miller, J., Hartman, T. K., Levita, L., Mason, L., Martinez, A. P., McKay, R., Stocks, T. V., Bennett, K. M., Hyland, P., Vallieres, F., Valiente, C., Vazquez, C., Contreras, A., Peinado, V., Trucharte, A., … Bentall, R. P. (2022). Measurement invariance of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale (GAD-7) across four European countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Psychiatry, 22(1), 154.
Ferrario, S. R., Panzeri, A., Anselmi, P., & Vidotto, G. (2019). Development and psychometric properties of a short form of the illness denial questionnaire. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 12, 727–739.
Giuntoli, L., Marchetti, I., Panzeri, A., Spoto, A., Vidotto, G., & Caudek, C. (2019). Measuring cognitive vulnerability to depression: Further evidence on the factorial and predictive validity of negative cognitive style. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 65(April), 101479.
Risk perception, cognition and road safety
Cellini, N., Bruno, G., Orsini, F., Vidotto, G., Gastaldi, M., Rossi, R., & Tagliabue, M. (2023). The Effect of Partial Sleep Deprivation and Time-on-Task on Young Drivers’ Subjective and Objective Sleepiness. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(5), 4003.
Bassani, M., Passalacqua, P., Catani, L., Bruno, G., & Spoto, A. (2021). A driving simulation study on the effects of different wine types on the performance of young drivers. Drug and alcohol dependence, 225, 108847.
Centola, C., Tagliabue, M., Spoto, A., Palpacelli, M., Giorgetti, A., Giorgetti, R., & Vidotto, G. (2020). Enhancement of unsafe behaviors in simulated moped-riding performance under the influence of low dose of alcohol. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 136, 105409.
Gianfranchi, E., Spoto, A., & Tagliabue, M. (2017). Risk profiles in novice road users: relation between moped riding simulator performance, on-road aberrant behaviors and dangerous driving. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 49, 132-144.
Tagliabue, M., Da Pos, O., Spoto, A., & Vidotto, G. (2013). The contribution of attention in virtual moped riding training of teenagers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 57, 10-16.
Morality and ethics of autonomous systems
Bruno, G., Spoto, A., Sarlo, M., Lotto, L., Marson, A., Cellini, N., & Cutini, S. (2024). Moral reasoning behind the veil of ignorance: An investigation into perspective‐taking accessibility in the context of autonomous vehicles. British Journal of Psychology, 115(1), 90-114.
Bruno, G., Spoto, A., Lotto, L., Cellini, N., Cutini, S., & Sarlo, M. (2023). Framing self-sacrifice in the investigation of moral judgment and moral emotions in human and autonomous driving dilemmas. Motivation and Emotion, 47(5), 781-794.
Bruno, G., Sarlo, M., Lotto, L., Cellini, N., Cutini, S., & Spoto, A. (2023). Moral judgment, decision times and emotional salience of a new developed set of sacrificial manual driving dilemmas. Current psychology, 42(15), 13159-13172.
Functional Measurement
Vicovaro, M. (2014). Intuitive physics of free fall: An information integration approach to the mass-speed belief. Psicológica, 35, 463-477.
Vicovaro, M. (2021). Intuitive physics and cognitive algebra: A review. European Review of Applied Psychology, 71, 100610.
Masin. S. C., & Vicovaro, M. (2022). Sources of uncertainty in functional measurement methodology. Quality & Quantity.
Inter rater agreement
Nucci, M., Spoto, A., Altoè, G., & Pastore, M. (2021). The role of raters threshold in estimating interrater agreement. Psychological Methods, 26(5), 622.
Spoto, A., Nucci, M., Prunetti, E., & Vicovaro, M. (2023). Improving content validity evaluation of assessment instruments through formal content validity analysis. Psychological methods.
Bruno, G., Vicovaro, M., Nucci, M., Cropanise, G., Fabbian, V., Mondin, M., ... & Spoto, A. (2023). A new Bayesian procedure for the estimation of the referees' decision thresholds and agreement. The case of professional handball refereeing. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 65, 102347.