Maria Devita
I graduated in Neuroscience and neuropsychological rehabilitation (University of Padua), in 2013. After the very first experiences of research aimed at analyzing visuo-spatial attention in young individuals with autism, my interests focused on aging and on those physio-pathological processes that contribute to the acceleration of its evolution. During my PhD studies and during a period of time spent at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA, Department of Population Health Sciences), I investigated the role that some sleep breathing disorders (i.e. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome – OSAS) could have in causing neuropsychological impairments and in contributing to the onset of neurodegenerative diseases. Since then, thanks to several collaborations between the Department of General Psychology and the Department of Medicine (University of Padua), I further strengthened my clinical and research experience in neuropsychological assessment, in non-pharmacological treatment of dementia and in supporting caregivers of individuals with neurocognitive disorders. Since 2015, I have gained teaching experience at bachelor and master degrees level (University of Bergamo and University of Padua), at the post-graduate course in Clinical Neuropsychology (University of Padua), and at the Geriatric graduate school (Department of Medicine, University of Padua). My current research interests are focused on the role cognitive reserve plays in modulating the onset and evolution of different kinds of dementia, the effects of cognitive stimulation trainings and psychological support to caregivers on the disease progression and, recently, on the anatomo- functional involvement of cerebellum in dementia.