Valeria Orso


Ever since I can remember, I used to observe how people around me behaved and wondered what made them act that way. My studies in Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Science helped me answer some of those questions, but above all they have lit up my curiosity even more. Since my PhD, I started to investigate the how people interact with technologies, especially advanced ones (vibrotactile interfaces, speech-based interfaces, gesture-based interfaces, miXed Reality), using qualitative research methods (structured video-analysis, interviews, focus group).
Currently my main research interest is the analysis of people’s behaviors and attitudes with respect to the technologies they use at work. This often brings me out of the laboratory to reach and observe participants in the field and also to interact with companies. A further research topic that I’m passionate about is the investigation of the impact that miXed Realities (Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and 3D Web) have on purchase experience and behavior.
The various research experiences can be summarized in two keywords: human-centricity and inclusivity. My goal is to contribute to the realization of technologies and living and working environments capable of putting the wellbeing of all users front and center.
In my pre-kids life, I used to swim and run half marathons. Today, I promise myself to get back on track!