Veronica Muffato


I am a psychologist, I received my Master’s degree in Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Sciences from the University of Padua and a Ph.D. in Cognitive Sciences from the same university.
My research interests are in the field of spatial cognition, which investigates how people acquire and use knowledge about elements and their locations in the environment. This is an essential ability of everyday life useful to successfully orient yourself in the environment. My research focuses on the characteristics of the environments (new vs. familiar environments), on the learning information inputs (navigation, maps), and on the different types of knowledge derived from learning (i.e., the ability to find shortcuts, to point directions, to recognize places). I am also interested in the great individual differences in orientation abilities. In particular, I am interested in age-related differences, in visuospatial abilities, and in self-reported attitudes, motivations, and emotions towards orientation tasks.
In my free time, whenever possible, I have passions that allow me to test my visuospatial and orientation abilities: I like to make origami, puzzles, and spend time outdoors. I am also a scout. I am the mother of two girls.