Personale docente

Marta Ghisi

Professore ordinario


Indirizzo: VIA VENEZIA, 8 - PADOVA . . .

Telefono: 0498276037


  • Il Venerdi' dalle 10:00 alle 12:00
    presso Telematico
    Il ricevimento studenti viene effettuato su prenotazione, scrivendo una mail alla prof.ssa Marta Ghisi per fissare l'appuntamento. Il ricevimento avviene tramite la piattaforma Zoom al seguente link:

Psychology of Sport: Development of self-report measures to assess psychological features associated with high sport performance; sport and healthy habits.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Assessment of phenomenological and psychological features; validation of self-report questionnaires.

Assessment and treatment of hair pulling (trichotillomnia).

Assessment of the role of Intolerance of uncertainty in several psychological disorders.

Post-partum depression in mothers and fathers.

Relationship Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (partner or parent-child focused).

Maladaptive personality traits.

Psychology of Sport:
- Development of self-report measures to assess psychological features associated with high sport performance; sport and healthy habits;

- Physiological responses underlying sport performance and cognitive tasks;

- Assessing the effectiveness of Baskin training program on skills improvement.

Le tesi vengono svolte prevalentemente in italiano

RESEARCH LINES (some topics are intended for Ph.D. students)

Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Assessment of phenomenological and
psychological features; validation of self-report questionnaires.

Intolerance of uncertainty: Assessment of the role played in several
psychological disorders; Italian validation of self-report measures.

Hair-pulling: Assessment of phenomenological and psychological features;
assessment of the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural interventions.

Psychology of Sport: Development of self-report measures to assess psychological features associated with high sport performance; sport and health.