Personale docente

Sonia Betti

Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo A


Indirizzo: VIA VENEZIA, 8 - PADOVA . . .

Telefono: 0498276484


  • Il Mercoledi' dalle 14:00 alle 16:00
    presso Psico 1; via Venezia 8, 6th floor, room 08
    Per fissare un appuntamento in presenza o via zoom si prega di contattare la docente via e-mail. To schedule an appointment in person or via zoom please make contact via e-mail.

Sonia Betti’s research interests revolve around the study of the neural bases of action perception and motor control.
She holds an undergraduate degree in Cognitive Psychology and Psychobiology and a master degree in Neuroscience and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, both at the University of Padua. She spent part of her master's studies at University College London (UCL, UK). Subsequently, she earned a Ph.D. in Psychological Sciences, focusing her research on the neural correlates of motor preparation during action observation and social interaction, with a specific focus on the role of spatial attention in these processes.
Over the years, Sonia Betti has conducted her research in several Italian and foreign institutions, such as the Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders at the Institute of Neurology at UCL (UK), the University of Padua at the Neuroscience of Movement laboratory, the University of Udine at the Body Lab Udine, and the University of Bologna at the Centre for Studies and Research in Cognitive Neuroscience, collaborating with experts in the field of motor control and neuroscience of action.
To carry out her research, Sonia Betti adopts a multimodal approach combining multiple experimental techniques, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation, electromyography, eye-tracking, kinematic analysis of movement, and psychophysiological measures.
Sonia Betti is currently investigating the role of the motor system in aversive conditioning and vicarious learning.

- Studio del ruolo del sistema motorio nell’apprendimento aversivo e nel dolore.
- Studio del controllo motorio mediante tecniche di analisi tridimensionale del movimento e stimolazione magnetica transcranica.
- Studio dei correlati neurali dell’osservazione dell’azione mediante stimolazione magnetica transcranica.