Are we looking in the right place? The Cerebellum as early marker of neurodegenerative disorders

ore 13.00-14.00 aula 2C Psico 2


Maria Devita
Department of General Psychology, University of Padua

CRUSADE proposes to read the “pentagram” of neurodegenerative disorders (NDD) onset and evolution in cerebellum and cognitive cerebellar reserve (CCR) clef (“Andante con CCR”).
Compared to the traditional approach (“Adagio”), according to which bio-humoral and brain macro-evidence of NDD appear only in a clinical, overt phase of disease (T1-T3), CRUSADE aims at longitudinally investigating cerebellar white matter alterations and neuropsychological profile of individuals with subjective cognitive impairment (SCI), compared to those with no referred SCI. By means of Diffusion Tensor Imaging and an ad-hoc set of neuropsychological sensitive tools, CRUSADE goals to move backward in time the known biomarkers cascade, for a very pre-clinical diagnosis of NDD (T0-T1).