MaRaThoN 2019
Dal 04.04.2019 al 15.04.2019
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - MAster your Research and Training Needs
MSCA MaRaThoN is a training course addressed to top candidates who wish to apply for the upcoming Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Individual Fellowship (MSCA –IF) call indicating the University of Padova as their Host Institution.
The training programme offers researchers the opportunity to gain more information about the MSCA-Individual Fellowship 2019 call. Participants will meet experts and experienced MSC evaluators providing specific advice and useful tips on how to best draft their project proposals. Furthermore, candidates will have the possibility to meet their potential supervisors at the University of Padova, to get to know our current MSCA fellows and to visit our laboratories and facilities.
Applications are now open!
Applications deadline is April 15, at 1:00 p.m. Italian time zone.