Archivio news


How we cope with the COVID-19 pandemic

Dal 07.05.2020 al 11.05.2020

During these days of the COVID-19 pandemic, posts, advice and articles suggesting ways to cope with the situation are proliferating, such as culinary recipes that teach us how to do things. They may offer useful suggestions but my students, patients, daughters, relatives and friends are teaching me



Stress traumatico durante la pandemia COVID-19

Un progetto di ricerca del Douglas Mental Health University Institute of McGill University (Canada) in collaborazione con la Prof.ssa Sabrina CipollettaQuesto progetto di ricerca ha l’obiettivo di esplorare in che misura l’esperienza del COVID-19 sia un evento traumatico e una possibile causa di



Hemispheric specialization in spatial versus ordinal processing in the day-old domestic chick (Gallus gallus)

The intriguing similarity among species in representing numerosity in space from left to right may depend on a right hemisphere dominance in processing spatial information. We assessed the role of each hemisphere in spatial versus ordinal–numerical processing by testing chicks binocularly or



Simulare lo sviluppo del “senso del numero” nei bambini



Call for international students

Dal 11.02.2020 al 07.03.2020

At the Galilean School of Higher Education, students are recruited in the areas of Humanities (Classe di Scienze Morali), Natural Sciences (Classe di Scienze Naturali) and Social Sciences (Classe di Scienze Sociali). In addition to the regular students, the Galilean School of Higher Education
